Yum for Yakitori!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yakitori is the basic food on a stick. Traditionally it is Japanese skewered fowl or chicken. Non-poultry foods can be considered Yakitori but it most often made up of chicken parts on a stick. Some of the common types of chicken found in Yakitori include chicken heart, liver, chicken meatballs, gizzard, skin (until really crispy), gizzard and all white meat (called toriniku in Japanese).

Just because you put chicken pieces on skewer doesn't make it Yakitori yet. How it is cooked and the sauce applied are what give this food item its unique flavor. Yakitori is cooked over a charcoal grill and is either salted and then cooked or covered with tare sauce. Tare sauce is made up of mirin, sake, soy sauce and sugar.

So, the next time you are outside cooking up some grub for family think about making Yakitori the highlight of your meal.


Tony Payne said...

Now you have me drooling.

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